Der Schimmelreiter / Hauke Haiens Tod (The Rider on the White Horse / Hauke Haien's Death)
BASED ON the novel by Theodor Storm and the novel by Andrea Paluch and Robert Habeck DIRECTED BY Jan-Christoph Gockel
What if we could become archaeologists of our own times? What would remain of us – and how would we interpret the finds? Would we take cars for sarcophagi and parking garages for cemeteries?
Wienke Haien, Hauke Haien’s daughter, becomes such an archaeologist. She is looking for the truth about the death of her father, the “Schimmelreiter”, the Rider on the White Horse. In Theodor Storm’s eponymous novella, he is turned into the haunting revenant who was devoured by the sea with his white horse. This clear-sighted work from 1888 describes a collision between humans and nature – it is a distorted picture of human hubris and the powerful fist of nature that punishes this arrogance.
In 2001, Andrea Paluch and Robert Habeck created a new reading of Theodor Storm’s novella in their novel Hauke Haiens Tod, examining its significance for our present times. Jan-Christoph Gockel combines both texts and explores their demonic potential with ensemble members of Deutsches Theater and RambaZamba Theater. What opportunities can be created by turning to the demons of the past to face an uncertain future?
probably recommended by grade 9
cast and creative
- directed by Jan-Christoph Gockel
- Bühne Julia Kurzweg
- Kostüme Sophie du Vinage
- Video Eike Zuleeg
- Licht Robert Grauel
- Puppenbau Michael Pietsch
- Musik Anton Berman
- Dramaturgie Johann Otten, Bernd Isele
Termine → Der Schimmelreiter / Hauke Haiens Tod (The Rider on the White Horse / Hauke Haien's Death)
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