© Luna Zscharnt Kotbong Yang, Sophie Rois, Trystan Pütter

Liebe, einfach außerirdisch (Love, simply out of this world)

BY René Pollesch DIRECTED BY René Pollesch

  • DT Bühne


  • space
  • creamcake
  • libido

Our mission will end??? No, we have to go BACK??? NO!!!!!!! I can't believe we're being called away. Do you think I won't miss them, the people I've grown to love here? The way people avert their eyes when I walk up to them? Or the ones up there in the second tier who don't see me anyway?


1 Stunde 25 Minuten, keine Pause



cast and creative

Termine → Liebe, einfach außerirdisch (Love, simply out of this world)

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