© Eike Walkenhorst Ensemble

Der Zähmung Widerspenstigkeit (The Recusancy of the Taming) Conspiracy at the pond

BY Katja Brunner based on motifs by William Shakespeare DIRECTED BY Pınar Karabulut

  • DT Bühne
  • world premiere

premiere on 19.12.2024


  • gender trouble
  • women strike back
  • queering shakespeare

Is all well that ends well? Baptista, a rich merchant from Padua, will not agree to his younger daughter Bianca marrying until his older daughter Katharina has also married. But the unruly girl is not so easy to get married to. No man is interested in her because of her quick-witted tongue and rebellious nature. Only after tricky cunning and countless changes of disguise and identity is a romantic happy ending guaranteed for the couples in Shakespeare's play. 

Katja Brunner, Switzerland's most successful contemporary playwright, renegotiates the old game of love, gender and identity. In her play, it is exclusively women who have their say and unleash a powerful storm against popular male fantasies, romantic love lies and violence against women. A defiance of the tame. A poetic plea for a different tomorrow.




recommended from grade 10

 In this production, psychological and physical forms of male violence against women are thematised on a linguistic level. Language is not used to reproduce, but as a place to analyse and negotiate existing male power and violence structures in society.

cast and creative

Termine → Der Zähmung Widerspenstigkeit (The Recusancy of the Taming)

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